1 / 竹海国家森林公园入口(2008)(West-line studio)设计
2020-10-2 15:27|archdaily|景观设计|100%
...项目完工照片 | Finished Photos,转载自:Archdaily,设计师:West-line studio,分类:景观装置,语言:简体中文,阅读原文
2 / 纽约 FEIT's West Village store--Jordana Maisie
2015-10-19 09:55|wilsonligeng|商业空间|100%
【原文地址 http://www.budcs.com/pick/15452.html 原图高清无水印】 Architects: Jordana Maisie Location: 11 Greenwich Ave, New York, NY 10014, USA Area: 39.0 sqm Project Year: 2015 Photographs: Nicholas Calcott, Naho Kubota Assortment / Brands: FEIT Furniture, Lighting: Jordana Mais...
3 / Therefore Offices
2010-12-12 18:00|loy|办公设计|100%
http://static.dezeen.com/uploads/2010/07/dzn_Therefore-Offices-by-West-Archotecture-3.jpgLondon studio West Architecture refurbished the ground floor of this London office by dividing the lobby and meeting room with sliding wooden screens. http://static.dezeen.com/uploads/2010/07/dzn_There...
4 / 在西伦敦:我们最喜欢的房子在西伦敦出售
2020-8-4 05:55|TheModernHouse|软装设计|100%
... Ebba Thott’s self-designed flat in Notting Hill got us thinking about a westward move of our own. Here, we round up our best homes for sale in west London. The Bella Freud Apartment, Television Centre, Wood Lane, London W12 Fashion designer Bella Freud teamed up with Maria Speake of Retrouvi...
5 / 纽约西切尔西200 Eleventh Avenue
2012-9-3 21:41|charliexu|居住空间|100%
...esidential high-rise occupies the corner of 11th Avenue and 24th Street in West Chelsea, a new residential area forged from a former industrial zone and home to the City’s galleries for contemporary art. The 19-story building consists of a 16-story tower supported by a 3-story plinth. The plin...
6 / 上海巨人網絡總部
2013-10-25 13:21|82514297|办公设计|100%
...an auditorium, an exhibition space, and a café on the east campus. On the West Campus, additional program space-submerged below an expansive, undulating green roof- includes a pool, a multi-purpose sports court, and additional relaxation and fitness spaces for employees. The landform culminates to ...
7 / 由扎哈·哈迪德设计的住宅项目首次公开亮相_设计圈
2017-4-12 09:59|点捌_s12ly|居住空间|100%
...室内设计方案分别由与Hadid哈迪德的合作伙伴Jennifer Post和West Chin完成。两个单元楼中20号单元楼价值1500万美元,里面包括了四间卧室,并可以欣赏到对面高线公园和帝国大厦的景色。Post 在内部装饰上采用了白色和柔和色调相匹...
8 / 伦敦--Shoffice Project
2013-11-3 18:21|那明媚blue|居住空间|100%
...ght this garden pavillon called Shoffice very successful. Located in north-west London, this mix between a shed and a real office seems to be out of the ground and goes perfectly with the place. To discover in the future. 坐落在伦敦西北
9 / K.P.D.O | 简约奢华美学
2017-11-12 09:49|拾印.|居住空间|100%
... The Fawkner West Side Place Harbour House 享受生活,发现美好 分享更多设计资讯,识别二维码关注我们 个人微信
10 / One Central Park East
2013-7-8 16:24|J_ting|居住空间|100%
... Architects, Interior Architects: East Tower by Koichi Takada Architects, West Tower by Smart Design Studio. Building Contractor: Watpac. Completion: November 2013 expected. Photography: Sharrin Rees and Sharyn Cairns. P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P...
11 / 《序赞Ab Concept作品集》@20190424
2019-4-24 21:17|AbConcept|精选特辑|100%
...Paper Moon Giardino ,2019-00-01-路凼美高梅酒店 ,2019-00-02-50 West 66th Street ,2019-00-03-大馆旧中区警署 ,2019-00-04-Victoria Dockside ,2019-00-06-北京饭店诺金餐厅 ,2019-00-10-天铸华固 ,2019-00-11-Market Kitchen ,2019-00-12-葡萄牙Paper Moon ,A...
12 / 普吉岛莎拉酒店SALA Phuket Resort & Spa 自拍分享
2015-11-29 07:41|deng8969|酒店设计|100%
...3Ddateline 上海静安香格里拉酒店 1515牛排馆•酒吧The 1515 WEST CHOPHOUSE & BAR自拍分享 http://www.mt-bbs.com/thread-305191-1-1.html
13 / 上海外滩贰千金(Lady Bund)餐厅 2014.11--Dariel Studio
2014-12-5 17:40|林小木|餐饮设计|100%
...n elegant lady in a red dress. As the building itself harmoniously blends western architecture with Chinese culture, the owners wanted Lady Bund to be a worthy representative of East-West fusion. They therefore invited Thomas Dariel, Shanghai-based French designer, for his well-known talent to brid...
14 / 杭州西子湖四季酒店Four Seasons Hotel Hangzhou at West Lake
2017-1-7 16:02|AndySong|酒店设计|100%
...厨师们亦会在厅阁内现场展示烹饪技艺。 WLB餐厅(West Lake Bistro)这处全天候供应亚洲及西式美食的餐厅环境舒适,其融现代风格与传统中式理念的设计也颇为特色。宾客可在餐厅内享用早、午、晚三餐;抑或在露天餐区...
15 / parisian architect jacques garcia masterminds the interiors of new yorks dorsay
2016-3-29 12:06|g4su|酒店设计|100%
...llco, the project also includes work by architecture firm Goldstein Hill & West Garcia is a household name, well known for his work with hospitality interiors - but this is his first large scale residential project in New York Amenities include a drawing room, sta...
16 / 包豪斯百年校庆:我们用它的英国传统来纪念这所学校的100年。
2020-8-4 05:50|TheModernHouse|设计情报|100%
Sea Lane House, East Preston, West Sussex Sea Lane House, East Preston, West Sussex Isokon Building, Lawn Road, London NW3 Isokon Building, Lawn Road, London NW3 Maresfield Gardens, London NW3 Maresfield Gardens, London NW3 Ladbroke Grove,...
17 / 贰三设计——金华保集·湖海塘庄园 私宅案例分享
2016-11-15 10:32|倪大爷丶|居住空间|100%
...撞出怎样的火花? Baoji Lake Seawall is located in Jinhua "small West Lake" ----- Lake seawall area. The lush forests, lakes and mountains, one of the beautiful scenery of the beautiful rivers and lakes, the ecological environment is extremely advantageous.The whole project is built on the...
18 / 橡树林中的住宅:德克萨斯西湖山别墅
2013-8-6 01:01|berserk705|居住空间|100%
这幢大宅叫做West Lake Hills Residence,由建筑师Specht Harpman设计,位于美国德克萨斯州奥斯汀,由一幢上世纪70年代的旧屋改造成现在的摩登住宅。室内设计使用了强烈的色彩对比,浓烈的装饰画,鲜明度极强的地垫,带来视觉...
19 / 机密金融科技公司 | RMW | 2022 | 美国
2024-11-8 02:59|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
...Macro to Micro goals formed the design strategy for our fintech client’s west coast innovation center within the Stanford Research Park. The Macro goal is equity matters. It matters in developing a nurturing facility to support 1,000 employees with a diversity reflective of the Bay Area, where mos...
20 / 迈阿密海滩8701柯林斯大道豪华公寓开发案
2015-12-21 17:32|蓝羽红翼|空间概念|100%
... USA 室内设计:Rena Dumas Architecture Interieure 景观设计师:west 8 项目年份:2018 迈阿密海滩的住宅项目,该项目将在2018年完成,项目旨在无缝地融合天空、海洋和地面,七十间公寓的大小从1400到7000平方英尺,坐拥2个繁茂的...
21 / City Solarium
2019-3-8 11:38|govalley|居住空间|100%
...tchen Lighting Living Room Manhattan New York Rug Staircase USA Wall Decor West Village Wood Floors 关键词:艺术浴室,卧室,书架,砖墙,装饰附件,餐厅,厨房,照明,起居室,曼哈顿,纽约地毯,美国墙式装饰,西村木地板 这...
22 / 越南时空旅宿(2020)(X11 Design Studio)设计
2021-2-24 12:55|archdaily|建筑设计|100%
...facade helps the dwelling space reduce impact of direct radiation from the west, but also allows natural light and wind penetrate. The first function is the common living space, which is a large floor space connected with the reading space and the altar above.,Here, the sun rays change constantly ...
23 / 完美图片:如何用艺术装饰
2020-8-4 05:33|TheModernHouse|软装设计|100%
... Crescent, London W11 Duncan McLeod and Lyndsay Milne McLeod’s west London home Anderby Creek, Lincolnshire Mitchell Street, London EC1 Langlands & Bell’s self-designed country retreat Shoreditch High Street, London E1 During our rece...
24 / 《序赞Mim Design作品集》@2019-06-11
2019-6-11 15:00|Mim-Design|精选特辑|100%
...and02.Crown Casual Dining03.Crown Retail Link04.Chadstone Stage 3305.Upper West Side 七、《序赞Mim Design作品集》:合集01.aap residence02.GOLD COAST03.Horizon 40 Penthouse04.Norfolk05.Rialto06.Tabcorp Design Pavilion07.Ten to Twelve Lindsay Street
25 / 现代简约装饰品,北欧风格也用得上
2017-2-7 16:02|wenyu1616|软装设计|100%
...风 材质: 铁艺 商品尺寸:53*53*73CM 东情西韵 East&West Melody 摆件 品牌: 慕莲风格: 欧美风格材质: 树脂商品尺寸: 31*23.3*77CM第三:新中式风格—“东方意饰” 方圆 摆件 品牌: 东方意饰材质: 陶瓷风格: 中式风格...