您是不是要找: 100 degrees

1 / 美国弗吉尼亚十度住宅设计 10 degrees house
2013-7-26 10:06|Metal_Psychotic|居住空间|100%
'10 degrees' by howeler and yoon architecture, virginia, USA all images courtesy of howeler and yoon architecture höweler + yoon architecture has completed the '10 degrees house' in arlington, virginia, responding to a difficultly narrow site and economical budget to maximize site lines and p...
2 / Zero40 啤酒厂 | 23 Degrees Design Shift | 2021 | 印度
2024-4-18 11:34|archdaily|建筑设计|85%
...,例如分配 30% 到 35% 的场地用于停车。 ,项目设计:23 Degrees Design Shift,项目面积: 5900 ft²,项目年份:2021,项目摄影:Shamanth Patil J,供应商: Stone Life ,首席建筑师:Srikanth Reddy, Neelesh Kumar, Rishika Arutla,Lighting Designers: Love...
3 / Zero 40 咖啡厅 | 23 Degrees Design Shift | 2024 | 印度
2025-1-6 15:11|序赞精选|建筑设计|84%
...三分之一的座位对行动不便人士友好。 ▽一层平面©23 Degrees Design Shift ▽入口©Shamanth Patil ▽入口©Shamanth Patil ▽一系列下沉庭院©Shamanth Patil 不同层次的设计也源于酿酒厂的运营需求。为优化功能效率,布局需要精...
4 / 星河罗边盛世锦城 | 10°DESIGN丨2024 | 中国广东
2024-11-16 10:45|10°Design|软装设计|67%
...慰藉。 项目名称:星河罗边盛世锦城 软装设计:10 Degrees Design 项目地址:广州 项目面积:110㎡/128㎡ 开发商:星河集团 甲方设计团队:巩雪峰、陈雯敏 乙方设计团队:黄晞、林志峰 项目摄影:RICCl ,转自:10°Desi...
5 / "极乐世界"阁楼-温哥华-加拿大 The Elysium Penthouse
2014-10-13 08:59|樱木-花盗|居住空间|62%
...ate will greet you with 40′ vaulted cathedral ceilings, jaw dropping 360 degree views from north, south, east & west over the entire city mountains & ocean. Two direct elevators open into your private foyer, 7 private terraces, porcelain floors, rich Mozambique millwork throughout, in suite pr...
6 / Meridian 集团 | Hickok Cole | 2019 | 美国
2024-11-11 06:26|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|62%
...ucture crowns the building with a glass curtain-wall façade providing 360-degree views of the downtown neighborhood. The remaining lower floors incorporate masonry and punched glass windows to provide tenants with ample access to natural light while creating visual differentiation along the exterio...
7 / 澳大利亚美丽的现代别墅
2014-10-15 11:16|Metal_Psychotic|居住空间|61%
... living room is perfectly designed for those on acreage with beautiful 360 degree views or for others who desire open space living.” P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 ...
8 / Senior Interior Designer
2011-7-13 18:56|leo0306|设计情报|60%
...rd of leading the design of commercial interiors projects.2. Bachelor’s degree from an accredited school of design. 3. Strong planning abilities and have the ability to mentor team members, offer guidance and leadership. 4. Knowledge of the total project process including fee and team managemen...
9 / TOMO 東木筑造招聘丨与有趣的人,做有趣的工作
2021-4-6 16:59|地产设计趋势|设计情报|60%
...,具备相关专业的知识。 1. Major in interior design, bachelor degree or above, more than 4 years relevant working experience in design industry, rich experience is preferred;2. Experienced in project management, familiar with project operation process and cost budget, able to independentl...
10 / 香港--藍天海岸住宅
2015-2-5 08:23|zka999|居住空间|58%
...We were strongly attracted by the existing layout which the corridor is 45 degree tilted from the living room in a strong and dynamic perspective view leading from the main entrance. We decided to make this corridor as the main design theme, to form a powerful ceiling feature connecting from the mai...
11 / 新奢适主义,构建都市人的精神原乡 | 10°DESIGN | 2024 | 中国广东
2024-8-19 17:30|10°Design|软装设计|58%
...智芸二期样板/南沙星河·东悦湾三期样板 软装设计:10 Degrees Design 项目地址:广州南沙 项目面积:118㎡/206㎡ 开发商:星河集团 甲方设计团队:巩雪峰、陈雯敏 乙方设计团队:黄晞、林志峰、冯东玲 项目摄影:jossy [*...
12 / 伦敦 Black Kite 办公室 | bureau de change architects | 2022 | 英国
2022-10-28 19:27|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|57%
...nd carved-out cylinders. These configure a sequence of spaces with varying degrees of privacy; informed by the heritage of the site’s industrial past.,The client’s brief called for a specific working environment; production and visual effects suites that are isolated from external sources of l...
13 / 马尔代夫泰姬魅力岛SPA度假村(Taj Exotica Resort & Spa Maldives)
2013-7-12 11:10|guoHliang|酒店设计|56%
...将发现自己与大自然从来没有如此接近。 餐饮包括24 DEGREES餐厅,提供亚洲,欧陆与日式料理。DEEP END 餐厅提供地中海式餐点和葡萄酒。赤道酒吧以及提供别墅送餐服务。 酒店设施服务内容包括:TAJ SPA,潜水中心,水上...
14 / 奥克兰大学期货基础办公室设计
2020-9-7 23:12|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|56%
...alifornia’s students as they navigate the process of acquiring a college degree. College Futures Foundation engaged TEF to design its new offices to both reflect the organization’s innovative approach to philanthropy and embody their decades of service to the students of California. The broad...
15 / 601W 公司办公室 | HED | 2022 | 美国
2023-2-22 00:30|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|55%
... of the iconic USX building, highlighting exposed Corten steel and the 360-degree views of the city, while creating flexibility and accommodating a variety of new work modalities. The spaces are laid out to accommodate a variety of work modes and to provide tenants with the ability to use their suit...
16 / 罗淞元设计|贵阳LOLLIPOP威士忌酒吧
2020-4-30 10:45|鼎点室内设计|品牌精选|54%
...led spirit made from grainssuchas barley aged in oak barrels for around 43 degrees for more than 500years.For whisky, New Make, which has just been distilled, is colorlessandtransparent. Our fascination with color and flavor comes from the longoakbarrel aging that follows; Among the substances that ...
17 / 马尔代夫 安娜塔拉薇莉岛度假村 Anantara Veli Resort & Spa
2012-6-10 22:31|charliexu|酒店设计|53%
...14栋豪华水上度假小屋 • 安纳塔拉花园水疗 • 73 Degrees(自助早餐和新鲜海鲜自助晚餐) • Baan Huraa(泰式料理) • Gheckos(日式和意大利无国界料理) • 消遥用餐 • 姊妹岛笛古岛...
18 / 特拉维夫WEKA办公室设计
2020-10-7 18:12|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|52%
... metropolitan Tel Aviv, spans an entire area of 1000 square meter with 360 degrees breathtaking city-scape. The program included planning for 94 employees in teem rooms for 3-5 people (a non open- space approach), 6 meeting rooms each named after a different color, booth & seating area, small kit...
19 / 维也纳维纳Stadtwerke办公室设计
2021-7-21 19:17|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|51%
...l and the City of Vienna: caring for the well-being of their citizens to a degree that has rarely been seen before.,“At a time when major corporations are scaling their customer service down to call centers, our client’s successful elevation of the quality of their service becomes even more im...
20 / AGH | Dmitry Petrov
2021-6-14 14:10|behance|居住空间|48%
...ning room is located in the same space, the facade of which is unfolded 10 degrees relative to the main volume, with an excellent view of the pool and the surrounding area.On the second level there is a quiet zone where there are bedrooms and a library with a glass roof.On the side of the main facad...
21 / Fisher & Paykel 办公室 | Hendy | 2022 | 美国
2024-12-11 00:20|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|48%
...t space is designed for openness and collaboration, offering panoramic 360-degree views throughout. Designed as a full-floor layout with no private offices, the space prioritizes openness and transparency, allowing for unobstructed views through floor-to-ceiling windows and a workspace that supports...
22 / 《序赞Kelly Wearstler作品集》@2019-05-10
2019-5-10 21:43|Kelly-Wearstler|精选特辑|46%
...ts in Boston where he took architectural courses and received a bachelor's degree in interior and graphic design. After graduating, he worked as an intern at Cambridge University's design company and worked for Milton Glaser in Boston and New York. 在她25岁左右的时候,Kelly Wearstler搬...
23 / 米兰PHYD办公室设计
2020-11-20 18:11|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|46%
...nology (self-interview, professional self-portrait, 3D assessment with 360-degree glasses); while Forge is designed as a place for activating networking, sharing, dialogue, learning as well as vertical training for small groups.‍ Arena is the space dedicated to connectivity and hosts courses, w...
24 / Palo Alto VMware海角总部设计
2020-8-6 13:20|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|45%
...O), developed large wall graphics that represent constellations in varying degrees of abstraction throughout the offices. M-O also named conference rooms after constellations.To break up the large floor plates, workstations are organized into neighborhoods of about 40 each, separated by screens and ...
25 / 西班牙帕洛斯的公寓(2020)(fama(sss))设计
2021-1-12 22:21|archdaily|建筑设计|45%
...rtment, serving as a bathroom and as a kitchen.,The volume is rotated 10 degrees in the xy axis in order to generate different intensities around it and different connections from it. Once inside, the side of the shower has a door that faces the bedroom and a window, whereas the access to the toil...