序“自然”是一切艺术与创作的灵感来源,在设计中,对自然界的表达可以通过意、形、色等多种方式。提取“秋色”营造主题,将“自然主义”的生活艺术贯穿于空间的情致中,缔造一个时间性与空间性界限分明而又融合共存的生活空间。01 客餐厅·秋意浓韵Sense of autumn charm-
“秋色”作为勾勒空间的灵魂元素,静谧简约,兼容并蓄。客餐厅界限分明的空间布局,以暖咖色实现初秋这一时间线的构成。"Autumn color", as the soul element that Outlines the space, is quiet, simple and inclusive. The spatial layout of the guest restaurant with distinct boundaries realizes the composition of the time line in early autumn with warm coffee color.
极具艺术性的落地灯与秋日暖阳呼应,结合深咖色布艺、皮革等软装,勾勒静谧、悠然的仲秋景致。The floor lamp that provides artistic quality extremely and autumn warm Yang echo, combine the soft outfit such as deep coffee color cloth art, leather, draw the outline of quiet, leisurely zhongqiu scene.
绿色的运用,静谧而沉稳,不同饱和度的秋色融入,调和空间色调的同时注入一抹暖意;画与花束的点缀,将空间意境引入深秋诗意中,诠释低调高雅的生活品味。The use of green, quiet and composed, different saturation of autumn into the harmony of space tone at the same time into a touch of warmth; The decoration of paintings and bouquets brings the artistic conception of space into the poetry of late autumn and interprets the low-key and elegant taste of life.02 主卧·艺术格调Beautiful artistic style-
主卧以浅色系将空间填充,加以金属元素点缀加持,线条简洁流畅,干净利落,为整体空间营造出别样的轻奢写意之风。The master bedroom fills the space with light color and embellishes it with metal elements. The lines are simple, smooth and clean, creating a unique wind of light luxury and freehand brushwork for the whole space.
03 书房·淡雅从容Quietly elegant is easy-
落地窗将窗外视野引进室内,思绪在这一刻明朗清晰,书房在空间构造上达到满足精神需求的人文底蕴。墙面储物架工整有序,物品摆件精致小巧,文化气息十足。The French window introduces the field of vision outside the window indoors, the feeling is clear and clear at this moment, the study achieves the humanistic inside information that satisfies the spiritual demand on the spatial structure. Metope storage frame neat and orderly, articles placed delicate and compact, full of cultural atmosphere.04 儿童房·活泼童趣Lively children really interesting-
男孩房以无限想象的蓝搭配活力十足的橙作为空间的跳跃之色,在有限的空间里激发孩子无限的想象力与创造力。整体空间无过多冗杂装饰,布列有序,不显杂乱。Boy room serves as the color of space leap with the blue collocation of infinite imagination dyeout vigor orange, stimulate the child infinite imagination and creativity in limited space. The overall space without too much miscellaneous decoration, orderly layout, not clutter.
04 次卧·童趣存真The purple pavilions and red mansions shone -
次卧延续主卧整体风格,低调奢华中体现出家居空间的温煦舒适,大气优雅不失格调。Second lie continue advocate lie integral style, low-key and costly reflect the warm and comfortable home space, elegant atmosphere does not break style.【平面设计图】