房屋,房屋内饰,新西兰芒格瓦伊- 设计师:Cheshire Architects
- 面积: 302 .0m²
- 年份:2017
- 摄影:Sam Hartnett
- 建造商: APL NZ, Artisan, David Shaw, Design Source, ECC, Guyco, Island Stone, Jagas, Nuralite, Plumbline, Revit, Vienna Woods, Zane Pilkington
- 首席建筑师:Pip Cheshire
- 建造:Lindesay Construction
- 景观承包商:Eden Heath
- 设计团队:Stephen Rendell, Emily Priest, Ryan Fothergill, Pip Cheshire
- 设计师:Cheshire Architects
- 景观设计:Boffa Miskell
- 城市:Mangawhai
- 国家:新西兰
- 设计师描述 | Designer description: The house is a glazed pavilion siting in the dunescape above a coastal golf links. The two planes of roof and main floor are joined by three timber clad conic forms that house fireplace, bathrooms and kitchen. A partial lower floor is reached by lift and houses guest suite, garage, storage and plant room.
- The glass pavilion is a familiar form in mid-century architecture and is here given some complexity as the cones break up the open expanse of the house. They provide enclosure amid
- the open pavilion and unexpected revelation of the house’s spaces and the views beyond as one moves between the gently inclined walls. In a wide-open landscape, the presence of the tapered forms supporting the roof above slows the sitting space and induces a sense of calm repose from which to embrace the wide horizon.
- 转载自:Archdaily
- 设计师:Cheshire Architects
- 分类:Houses
- 语言:英语
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