A chromatic selection inspired by
years with regard to the Florida test,
natural tones and developed on the
i.e.approximately 25 years in the
basis of research into the colours
European climate.
most used by intemational architects
and designers.
These powder coatings are also
known for their benefits in terms of
The powder coatings used by Bloss
environmental sustainability because
are the result of technologies that
no solvents harmful to the ozone
have been applied in architecture
layer are used and no waste is
since 1991 and meet the most
generated during the production and
stringent regulations both in Europe
application phase.A.N.Powder
and the United States:Qualicoat
Coatings was in fact the first
class 2-AAMA 2604-05-GSB
manufacturer of powder coatings to
Master-EN12206.Usually powder
obtain the SMaRT Platinum
coatings are formulated to withstand
certification.The acronym stands for
1 year of exposure in Florida while
Sustainable Materials Rating
the Bloss colour selection was tested
Technology.SMaRT is in fact
for 5
the main certification for product
sustainability recognized worldwide
Una selezione cromatica ispirata ai
toni naturali e sviluppata in base a
europeo.Queste vernici in polvere
studi sui colori piu utilizzati da
sono note anche per i loro vantaggi
architetti e designers internazionali
in temini di sostenibilita ambientale,
perche non vengono utilizzati solventi
Le vernici a polvere utilizzate da
dannosi per l'ozono e non generano
Bloss sono frutto di tecnologie
scarti in fase di produzione ed
applicate in architettura sin dal 1991
applicazione.A.N.Powder Coatings
e rispondono alle piu severe
infatti e la prima azienda produttrice
normative europee e statunitensi:
di vernici in polvere a certificarsi
Qualicoat classe 2-AAMA 2604-05-
SMaRT Platinum.L'acronimo significa
GSB Master-EN12206.
Sustainable Materials Rating
Abitualmente le vernici in polvere
Technology.SMaRT e infatti la
vengono formulate per resistere ad 1
principale certificazione per la
anno di esposizione in Florida,
sostenibilita dei prodotti riconosciuta
mentre la selezione colori Bloss s e
a livello mondiale.
stata collaudata a 5 anni di Florida
test,ovvero circa 25 anni nel clima
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