G E N E R A L C A T A L O G U E 2023-2024
Since 50 years
Simes is a company in continuous
Simes has always been a hub for lighting
evolution and constantly engaged with
designers,architects and landscapers.
the aim of creating emotion,with the
From these workshops were born the most
innovative ideas that have marked these
years of intense activity.
In 2023 SIMES celebrates an important
birthday with the satisfaction of having
The company's goal constantly remains
drawn a path marked by many conquests
to design light with passion,investing
and with the determination to achieve
in continuous resources and energies to
new goals.
generate beauty,spreading the culture of
light and putting at the service of lighting
Since over fifty years Simes has
designers solutions more and more
maintained a constant intuition in
refined and clever.
intercepting the needs and the wishes
of the designers,the commitment to
Aware that the achievement of excellence
produce beautiful and reliable objects,
is the result of decisions that we take
the desire to make the spaces pleasantly
day by day,Simes intends to continue
accessible and to add to the architectures
selecting the suppliers with the utmost
a fourth dimension,aware that the light
care,producing luminaires starting from
can transform the face of our cities.
the best and innovative technologies,the
attention to details and the constant focus
The concept of quality remains an
on the development of new solutions.
absolute priority and over time has
assumed countless facets.The quality is
These 50 years have shown that the result
intended not only as 100%Made in Italy,
of these choices is a constant growth and a
but especially as a strategic asset in each
quality destinated to last over time.Every
company department:in the workplace,
single innovation opens up the road to
in the services offered to the customer,in
the next one and the experience becomes
the design and aesthetics choices,in the
fundamental to lay the foundations of
experience offered to guests and visitors.
new interesting scenarios in the outdoor
lighting industry.
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