Product Catalogue
mdf italia
Designed by
Jean Marie Massaud
Universal collection is the name of the new family of seats designed by Jean Marie
Massaud for MDF Italia,which stands out for its impeccably elegant lines and extraordi-
nary ergonomics.In the chair or armchair version-with wooden backrest or fully
upholstered-the three dimensional backrest is the focal point of the seat;it consists of
two curved elements pressed from a mechanical mould,then coupled and assembled,
with a procedure that echoes the refined savoir-faire of the luthier.The concept was
developed from a study on the curving of the wood which led to the definition of an innovati-
ve,now patented technology in which industrial design and craftsmanship merge.
This system,in addition to producing a unique design,also ensures an unprecedented level
of comfort and first class ergonomics.
The design takes its name,above all,from the disc of the seat,the beating heart
of the piece,designed to accommodate different types of bases and backrests,so lending
itself over time to the development of an infinite variety of possible configurations.
Presented in this initial phase with legs in solid wood(with two finishes)or in die-cast
aluminium(in three colours),the seat can be customised also thanks to the many
combinations of textiles available,proving the perfect creative synthesis of functionality
and fine aesthetics.
Si chiama Universal collection la nuova famiglia di sedute di Jean Marie Massaud per MDF Italia,
che si connota perun'impeccabile eleganza delle lineee la straordinaria ergonomia.La seduta declinata
nella versione sedia o poltroncina,con schienale in legno o completamente imbottita,fa proprio dello
schienale tridimensionale il suo punto di forza;e ottenuto infatti a partire da due elementi curvi prodotti
del legno che ha portato alla messa a punto di una tecnologia innovativa,ora brevettata,dove design
industriale e artigianato s'incontrano.Questo sistema,oltre adare vita a un design unico,garantisce un comfort
rse tipologie di basamenti e di
schienali permettendo cosi di sviluppare nel tempo infinite possibilita di configurazioni.Presentata
in questa prima fase con gambe in legno massello (in due finiture)o in alluminio pressofuso(in tre colori),la
ed estetica
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