摩纳哥现代住宅Contemporary Home in Monaco by NG Studio
yangtomato 于2014-12-30 15:05发布在居住空间NG Studio completed the design and development of a contemporary home in Monaco. Located in the resort town of Cap d’Ail on the Cote d’Azur of the French Riviera, this luxury apartment was designed ...

西班牙巴塞罗那Paseo de Gracia 阁楼住宅
yangtomato 于2015-01-29 15:58发布在居住空间Apartment Complete Rehabilitation - Transformation from offices to dwellingSurface: 200m² + 10m² of terraceStatus: CompletedLocation: Barcelona, Spain

HBA-丽江瑞吉度假酒店私人住宅 Residences at St. Regis Lijiang
charliexu 于2015-06-22 22:44发布在酒店设计Situated amidst a spectacular paradise of untouched nature and rich ancient culture, the private Residences of St. Regis Lijiang resort beautifully complement their stunning surroundings. To design th ...

英国伦敦Hans Place住宅 by Roselind Wilson Design
yangtomato 于2014-12-31 12:08发布在居住空间英国伦敦Hans Place住宅 by Roselind Wilson Design
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伦敦43 Reeves Mews奢华住宅
yangtomato 于2014-12-30 16:16发布在居住空间This superluxe 6,249 sq. ft. bespoke grand residence is situated in the heart of one of London’s most exclusive addresses. In addition to immediate access to Hyde Park, Reeves Mews is surrounded by L ...

lyho727 于2014-11-06 12:12发布在酒店设计工程名称:良渚君澜白鹭湾度假酒店工程地点:浙江杭州良渚设计时间:2005年1月主要设计人员:林学明、陈向京、梁建国、曾芷君、张宁、蔡文齐、曾莹等良渚文明拥有5000年历史,是中华民族粗犷血性的文化起源设计考虑 ...

荷兰-Fort Werk aan’t Spoel
pigheat 于2012-08-22 13:06发布在景观设计景观设计: Rietveld Landscape | Atelier de Lyon in collaboration with Anouk Vogel
摄影: Rob ‘t Hart

荷兰 阿姆斯特丹 “水”别墅
don276958246 于2012-08-24 00:57发布在建筑设计该项目是由Framework Architecten和Studio Prototype共同设计的位于阿姆斯特丹的一个住宅项目,住宅外部呈现出由木质棒体组成的特殊几何形式。住宅漂浮在一个船上,而这个船停靠在城市西南侧一个运河上,所以被称为 ...

荷兰 阿姆斯特丹 “水”别墅
don276958246 于2012-08-24 00:57发布在建筑设计该项目是由Framework Architecten和Studio Prototype共同设计的位于阿姆斯特丹的一个住宅项目,住宅外部呈现出由木质棒体组成的特殊几何形式。住宅漂浮在一个船上,而这个船停靠在城市西南侧一个运河上,所以被称为 ...

荷兰阿姆斯特丹 YAYA STORE(Fresh style house vol.3)
xinshaojie 于2014-08-21 22:05发布在商业空间Dutch fashion label Yaya recently opened it’s first flagship store in Amstelveen (near Amsterdam), The Netherlands. This beautiful store, selling a combination of a fashion and home-wares, is designe ...
