Dan Brunn Architecture|dba
In: 美国Id: 2419651Fs: 5
简介:Dan Brunn Architecture designs and develops commercial and residential projects worldwide. Formed in 2005, DBA prides itself on crafting architecture that respects the site and provokes a sensuous interaction with the environment. DBA focuses on purposeful modernism that heightens the user’s understanding and connection with the space. Every project DBA creates is dedicated to clean modernism, where function is purposeful and aesthetic becomes inherent. The synergy of the two creates unique, timeless and truly experiential spaces.
联系电话:(310) 855-3555
联系地址:6363 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 503 Los Angeles, CA 90048
账号建于:2021-05-10 03:44
美国洛杉矶正向负空间住宅|2021|Dan Brunn Architecture
2021-05-09 20:33|居住空间公寓, Los Angeles, 美国,建筑设计:Dan Brunn Architecture, 面积:2520 m²,项目年份:2021,摄影师: Brandon Shigeta,厂家:Atlas Concorde, Caesarstone, Cambridge Elevating, Concrete Collaborativ ...
美国Bridge住宅|2020|Dan Brunn Architecture
2020-09-17 19:37|居住空间Bridge House LA是汉考克公园心脏地带的一个富有远见的建筑项目,它为住宅建筑提供了一种更新的方法,其特点是尊重环境并与自然建立了深深的联系。 ,其中一种“桥屋”因在自然溪流上架桥65'而得名。在可信赖的合作 ...