莫比乌斯,艺术人家 | 晟瑄空间
晟瑄空间 于4年前发布在居住空间晟瑄空间设计系列作品《莫比乌斯:艺术人家》项目位置杭州·广宇鼎悦府项目造价100w设计师王孝盈
经典法式塑造精致的法式拒绝了浓烈的色彩,推崇自然、不娇柔做作的用色,本案就善用了黄色、绿色,尤其要强调的 ...

巴西非洲风格之平行屋(Parallel House)Studio Guilherme Torres 设计
Studio.Guilherm 于4年前发布在品牌精选Guilherme Torres accompanied the young couple from the purchase of the lot - a 463m2 house, built in the 80’s at the heart of a traditional neighbourhood of São Paulo - to the final steps in the re ...

巴西极简主义V2住宅(V2 House)Studio Guilherme Torres 设计
Studio.Guilherm 于4年前发布在品牌精选Crafted in the heart of one of the most high-end neighbourhoods of São Paulo, the 1100m2 residence was built by the owner’s grandparents in the 1960s. The original house was designed following a ne ...

巴西奢华主义之PA之家(2016)(Studio Guilherme Torres)设计
Studio.Guilherm 于4年前发布在居住空间房屋,室内,景观,库里蒂巴,巴西,设计师:Studio Guilherme Torres, 面积:1200 m²,年份:2016,摄影:Denilson Machado – MCA Estúdio,负责建筑师:Guilherme Torres,景观设计:Alex Hanazaki,城 ...
