Ashley Botten|阿什莉·波顿
In: 加拿大Id: 2354696Fs: 22
简介:Drawing inspiration from the worlds of architecture, art, food and fashion, ABD creates thought-provoking, authentic spaces – family homes, multi-generational retreats, inspiring workspaces – people instinctively want to experience.Our deeply collaborative process allows us to cultivate strong relationships with both residential and commercial clients, relationships that open up opportunities for experimentation and exploration, for pushing creative boundaries and discovering new possibilities. Our firm also commissions distinctive custom furnishings, highly personalized pieces that add a rich emotional current to every room.Founded in 2004, Ashley Botten Design is based in Toronto but at work around the world.
联系地址:72 stafford street toronto
账号建于:2020-07-18 20:14
宁静的湖边静修处(tranquil lakeside retreat)Ashley Botten 设计
2020-07-18 20:47|品牌精选传统的平房建筑经过改造,可适应21世纪的生活:宽敞的开放空间可确保周末无人拥挤。 细密的铁杉沿着墙壁水平地延伸,与景观一起移动并模仿地平线。 超大的窗户可让光线直射,并提供不断变化的湖景。 有机色调的天 ...

经典住宅符合“年轻血液”设计 Ashley Botten 设计
2020-07-18 20:42|品牌精选精致的精致氛围为这个活泼的家庭提供了一种俏皮的,家庭至上的方式。 明亮,宽敞的房间通过周到的分层方式(结构和材料,精心策划的家具)注入了年轻的活力。 考虑到娱乐性,室内空间既宽敞又温馨:在这些令人振 ...
