Madeleine Blanchfield|马德琳·布兰奇菲尔德
In: 澳大利亚Id: 2353684Fs: 147
简介:At Madeleine Blanchfield Architects we love design and are especially passionate about houses.
We are a studio of 8 architects and interior designers based in Paddington since 2009. Prior to starting her own practice, Madeleine was Associate Director at one of Sydney’s leading architecture and interior design firms for almost 10 years.
Our work is bespoke and carefully crafted. The goal is always to deliver beautiful, elegant and timeless spaces. Our architecture has integrity and depth. We work hard to resolve complex design issues and achieve a result that has clarity and is unencumbered. Through cohesive landscapes and interiors we bring warmth and joy to each space.
We want to deliver your entire home, from conception to completion, and to work with you in a collaborative way to draw out the unique and personal traits that make a house a home. We get to know you through a project and love to source furniture and elements to finish off the design.
联系电话:(02) 9212 3343
联系地址:83 Paddington Street Paddington, 2021, NSW, Australia
账号建于:2020-07-11 05:23
Madeleine Blanchfield 设计 | 达令点公寓(DARLING POINT PENTHOUSE)
2020-07-11 06:27|品牌精选达令点公寓(Darling Point Apartment)涉及对顶层公寓进行翻新并增加新的屋顶凉亭。 现有的红砖建筑物60建筑物在内部保留了其特色感。 相比之下,顶层是一个钢亭,可通向宽敞的户外区域,并享有壮丽的景色。
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Madeleine Blanchfield 设计 | 本达隆海滩别墅(BENDALONG BEACH HOUSE)
2020-07-11 06:18|品牌精选本达隆海滨别墅是南海岸一对退休夫妇的住所。 这是一间热情休闲的海滨别墅,尊重社区的悠闲氛围,旨在轻松接待来访的家人和朋友。
街道一侧的一个不起眼的单层居住凉亭借鉴了周围海滩房屋的简约性,其中许多是多年 ...
Madeleine Blanchfield 设计 | 黑德兰之家(HEADLAND HOUSE)
2020-07-11 06:10|品牌精选岬角之家(Headland House)沿着海滨公园绵延不绝,从北部的邦迪(Bondi)到南部的勃朗特(Bronte)一览无余。 房屋光线明亮,让人联想到海滨位置,经过精心剪裁,并与植物和室外空间整合在一起,以管理隐私和景观 ...
Madeleine Blanchfield 新作 | 勃朗特的树屋(TREE HOUSE IN BRONTE)
2020-07-11 05:56|品牌精选玛德琳·布兰奇菲尔德(Madeleine Blanchfield)在悉尼东部郊区设计了树屋(Tree House),为自己成长的家庭提供了轻松的度假场所。紧凑的房屋是对空间布置和布局的全新诠释,为所有空间带来了更大的灵活性。房间 ...