In: 墨西哥Id: 2351829Fs: 93
简介:PPAA is driven by an architecture of ideas over an architecture of forms. We conceive architecture as an open medium and message, one that is constantly put to test, to the multiple relations that are in its surroundings. We follow an inclination for nature, where the weather, soil, textures, and other factors—along with the gradients in each factor—create a sensorial atmosphere. We like to think that the way we have of understanding architecture implies that work cannot be done without considering both communal and personal intentions. Therefore, our conception of architecture is based on an understanding of the body and the relationship everyone establishes with their surroundings. Taking this into account, each project seeks to be an extension or support of our experience, personal as well as spatial.
We believe that this can be summed up in the architectural rehearsal, which is the way that modern architecture should be understood. The architectural rehearsal is a vehicle of approaching ourselves; the more we rehearse, the more we understand us. Furthermore, in order for architecture to be capable of conveying an idea or intention, it has to speak of the individual, or the sum of individuals, and the way they relate to their environment, in both a sensorial and emotional level.
联系地址:Calle Artículo 123, #116 Col. Centro, Cuauhtémoc, 03920, Ciudad de México,
账号建于:2020-06-27 03:18
墨西哥极简主义之特兰普特之家(Tlalpuente)PPAA Pérez Palacios Arquitectos Asociados设计
2020-10-21 17:20|品牌精选Tlalpuente项目位于墨西哥城以南的森林地区Tlalpuente的中部,旨在探索房屋与周围环境的关系。 房屋享有360度全景,没有邻居。
建筑概念是基于在自然地形上方地下室的开放计划的想法。 这导致了基本几何形状和结构 ...
墨西哥极简主义之塞拉利昂之家(Sierra Fría) PPAA Pérez Palacios Arquitectos Asociados设计
2020-10-21 17:11|品牌精选SierraFría是一栋位于墨西哥城Lomas de Chapultepec的房屋。 由于居住区中的大多数地段在其四个侧面中的三个侧面都具有常规结构,因此该项目的建筑概念决定探索一个很多概念,即一个包含空洞的空间,在空洞顶部有 ...
墨西哥极简主义之拉昆塔之家(La Quinta)PPAA Pérez Palacios Arquitectos Asociados设计
2020-10-21 17:01|品牌精选La Quinta是瓜纳华托州圣米格尔德阿连德的度假屋。在访问了该位置并考虑了该程序的要求之后,我们得出了以下结论:尊重位置的标识,背景以及相邻房屋的现有墙壁的高度。墙壁的高度决定了它们之间的空白。
底层平 ...
墨西哥极简主义之Las Golondrinas住宅 | PPAA
2020-07-30 11:43|品牌精选Las Golondrinas está ubicada en Peña Blanca, Valle de Bravo, Estado de México.
El proyecto se desplanta en la parte alta de un terreno dejando intacta la naturaleza que lo rodea ...
2020-07-11 04:17|品牌精选坎帕纳里奥(Campanario)是一家家庭住宅,位于克雷塔罗(Querétaro)市的一个住宅开发区。拥有矩形站点,开发人员的限制对需要正面和背面自由空间的项目放置有重要影响。
这些限制被认为是要在房子顶部放置一个 ...
2020-06-27 03:30|品牌精选在8米长和16米深的地段中,从一个常规公寓计划中删除,只有一个公寓可以拥有一个私人外部空间,我们选择了两个类似联排别墅的独立家庭。这使得每个房屋的正面仅4米,这意味着解决该程序面临着巨大挑战,但我们设法 ...