Jofre Roca|乔佛·罗卡
In: 西班牙Id: 2351425Fs: 2
简介:Architect by the Technical Superior Architecture School of Barcelona (ETSAB), within the Polytechnic University of Catalunya (UPC), he has also trained at the Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH) in Stockholm. In addition, he has gained expertise by several courses and post-graduate Specialization Courses in urban planning, urban development and construction projects.
Doctorate student at the Architectural Projects Department of the Technical Superior Architecture School of Barcelona (ETSAB), within the Polytechnic University of Catalunya (UPC), he is currently working on the final document for his doctoral thesis. He counts with the Advanced Studies Diploma (DEA) by the Architectural Projects Department within the Polytechnic University of Catalunya (UPC) as well.
He has worked as a specialized architect in public works, landscape and construction projects and urban development for different public administrations.
He has been Guest lecturer in numerous European universities and has participated in several internationally prestigious exhibitions as the Venice Architecture Biennale or the European Landscape Biennial.
Member of the Official Architects Association of Catalonia (COAC).
He founded in 2007 Jofre Roca arquitectes SLP.
联系电话:+34 932269175
联系地址:Barcelona Llançà 39, entl. 2 - 08015 Barcelona
账号建于:2020-06-23 00:29