SAY architects|SAY
In: 中国,浙江省Id: 2350484Fs: 107
简介:SAY 是专注于建筑,室内及城市设计的创新设计事务所,并曾获得多个国际设计奖项。事务所位于杭州,由张岩和单嘉男主持设计,两位创始人在创立SAY之前均有多年的国际事务所工作经验。对于设计不同尺度的艺术,酒店,商业以及景观类项目,SAY 有丰富的设计经验,另外也有多个涉及零售,办公,公共设施以及总体规划的项目实践。
对于每个项目,我们都尝试去从客户,业态,场地及周边环境中去发掘独特的项目属性以及潜力,并努力创造出一种叙事性低空间感受。通过多种不同的表达方式,例如草图,实体模型及水彩等,我们不断将概念推演发展至最终实际实现。SAY 的设计项目已发表于多个国际设计媒体及杂志,包括DEZEEN, ArchDaily, Gooood, Designboom, Frame及Hinge等。
账号建于:2020-06-15 02:58
ANGELOT 甜品店 design by SAY architects
2020-06-15 03:26|品牌精选Angelot is a patisserie located in Xiasha Hangzhou. The original site owns multiple disadvantage, for instance, a basement shaft blocked almost 1/3 of the storefront; the store front is recessed from ...
小憩旅馆(LittleNap Hostel)design by SAY architects
2020-06-15 03:11|品牌精选Littlenap is located inside the Xihu scenic area, it is a renovation of an existing residential building. The existing building have two three story building adjacent to one another and a individual ...