Kapsimalis Architects|卡普西马里斯建筑事务所
In: 希腊Id: 2347609Fs: 59
简介:Kapsimalis Architects is an architectural office based in Santorini Greece.
The rough volcanic landscape, the intense alternations of the scenery, the diversity of the materials, the former architecture and the changeable weather conditions have a huge effect in our designing process. We consider that each architectural solution is related to the surrounding and is formed by it in a harmonious or a conflicting or in a totally seperate way. The differnt features and challenges of the place is the spark that leads each time to diverse architectural forms. We are interested in how buildings could become integral parts of the landscape. Apart from the forms and how could be developed on each place, equally compelling is how the use of each building contribute to the environment itself. We seek for the values and the customs , the old aesthetics and the pre-existing memories of each place in order to show them up in a modern twist. Wishes and hidden desires of the future users are mixed with project's background in search of a new perception of the space.
联系地址:Santorini, Messaria 84700, Greece
账号建于:2020-05-24 13:21
梅萨里亚避暑别墅 | Kapsimalis Architects | 2024 | 希腊
2024-09-27 00:37|民宿设计这座避暑别墅位于圣托里尼岛传统村庄梅萨里亚的郊区,向东望去可以看到定居点的其余部分和爱琴海,向南望去可以看到周围的葡萄园景观。
通往房屋的主要通道是一条古老、狭窄、蜿蜒的人行道,它沿着整个村庄延伸, ...
费拉Ethos Vegan酒店 | Kapsimalis Architects | 2022 | 希腊
2022-07-19 19:46|民宿设计该项目的目的是重建位于 Fira 村中心的一座旧的两层家庭住宅,该住宅最初是在 1956 年圣托里尼岛地震后建造的,并在 80 年代期间扩建。
故居改建为一间小型素食酒店,一楼有两间套房和一间小接待处/厨房,一楼也 ...
MONOLITHUS度假屋 | Kapsimalis Architects | 2022 | 希腊
2022-05-04 21:06|民宿设计一块长20米、宽20米的人造巨石,放置在圣托里尼岛的景观中,像一大块火山岩。人造巨石仿佛从一开始就存在,作为火山喷发的一块,它是由自然元素塑造的,主要是海和风。
虽然自然侵蚀暴露了固体物质和空隙的形成, ...