Annabell Kutucu|Annabell.Kutucu
In: 德国Id: 2345469Fs: 88
简介:A renowned interior designer based in Berlin, Annabell Kutucu has raised great interest with her work on private residences and various international hospitality projects like San Giorgio Mykonos and Scorpios Mykonos, a contemporary interpretation of the ancient Greek agora. Her work combines the handmade, the artisanal, and the organic—elements such as old linen, rough textiles, and weathered wood—with vintage and contemporary pieces to create effortlessly holistic spaces in perfect communion with their surroundings.
账号建于:2020-05-11 03:11
希腊 | Casa Cook Kos | 民宿 | 度假 | 酒店 | 2017 | Annabell Kutucu + Lambs and Lions
2020-05-11 04:25|品牌精选坐落于希腊科斯岛的Casa Cook Kos民宿酒店是Thomas Cook集团在希腊的第二个项目,于2017年七月份开业。
由建筑师Ilias Mastrominas与室内设计师Annabell Kutucu合作,以传统希腊游牧民族生活方式的理念打造出这个 ...
没有风格的公寓 / No Ordinary Apartment / Annabell Kutucu
2020-05-11 03:57|品牌精选室内概念,设计和策展by Annabell Kutucu
摄影:克劳斯·布雷兴马赫(Claus Brechenmacher)
该公寓分为两个单元,通过木质推拉门无缝连 ...
BRUTALIST SILENCE 住宅 / Annabell Kutucu
2020-05-11 03:47|品牌精选一个思想领袖,打破规则者和创新者的野兽派创意风格。
位于柏林最新的社区空间玛丽娜码头(Marina Marina),在海滨重新安置了1950年的建筑,这里是才华横溢,才华横溢的企业家的故乡。
减少了残酷主义的沉默设计和 ...